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Codex Strategic Plan 2026-2031

As the first step in this programme of engagement, Members and Observers are invited to provide responses to the following questions, which are based on Annex I: Codex standards, put in place for food safety, quality, and nutrition, may also contribute to other areas.

In your view, how could Codex support “the broader global goals around sustainability, one health, food security and environmental protection through the development of international food standards that address any potential issues for consumer health protection or fair trade practices arising from implementation of initiatives to advance sustainability interests”? Where do you see particular priorities for Codex? The Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action focuses on supporting and expanding capacities in six areas, including the assessment, management and communication of food safety risks. It also promotes multinational, multi-sector, multidisciplinary collaboration. What benefits might there be to Codex and its Members from such collaboration across the multilateral system for trade and food?

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